Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Exported Article: Kidult Youth Leadership Conference

The following is an article written about my personal experience and professional conclusion regarding Pharrell Williams' 1st Annual Kidult Youth Leadership Conference, which was held on June 26, 2010 in New York City.

The Conference

“It is the small decisions we make in our everyday lives, which contribute to our mental and physical safety, and allow us to either continue on, or be derailed from, the road to our dreams.” This was the message given by K.B. Rapp M.D. to attendees at Pharrell Williams’ 1st Annual Kidult Youth Leadership Conference held on June 26th in New York City.

While the attendees of Pharrell Williams' 1st annual Kidult Youth Leadership Conference held in NYC June 26th were being educated, inspired, motivated and entertained by Pharrell, Mimi Valdes, award winning former editor-in-chief of Vibe Magazine, and others regarding creativity, technology and entrepreneurship, their experience was rounded out by a basic reminder: "It is the small, everyday decisions that you make regarding your mental and physical safety that allow you continue on, or be derailed from, that road to your dreams."

The Doctor, The Message and The Presentation

In the Kidult exhibitor hall was a board certified emergency physician named Dr. K.B. Rapp. As a doctor with ten years of experience in treating victims of emotional and eating disorders, STD's, unwanted pregnancies, drug and alcohol abuse, and violence, she felt the obligation to travel to the conference from Houston, Texas to spread the message of maintaining mental and physical integrity in order to achieve success in life. Her need to spread this message to youth stems from her belief that no matter how smart, creative or talented a young person may be, their efforts will go to waste if they do not protect their health by being aware of dangerous people, situations and emotions.

To explore these messages, Dr. Rapp created a PowerPoint presentation titled of "Health and Wellness in Teens and Young Adults.” While the PowerPoint ran in auto play in the background, she discussed and distributed brochures about a range of topics, such as Teen Esteem, Weight Control, Keeping Clean, and 101 Ways to Deal with Stress to STD's, Dating Safety, and Violence Prevention.

Many audience members received her presentation’s messages with an open mind and a learning spirit. Some youth and exhibitors came by to ask about becoming a physician, while others inquired about information for their own projects. Likewise, Rapp had the attendees fill out a “Health and Wellness Quiz” so she could obtain feedback, and so that she could measure effectiveness of her presentation. Feedback from youth was obtained by surveying them on pressing issues which concerned them.

The Results

Out of the eighty-one surveys completed, the top two issues proved to be Violence with 31 votes, and STD’s with 29 votes. Conflict Resolution, Emotional Disorders, Dating Safety, and Abstinence followed. The least recognized issue was Eating Disorders. Three youth filled in the "Other" slot and noted “drug and alcohol abuse”, “being the best me" and "poverty-related illnesses” as their primary concern.

The Conclusion

Dr. Rapp’s efforts at Pharrell Williams’ 1st Annual Kidult Youth Leadership Conference were a success. Not only was she afforded the opportunity to connect with youth and other audience members over her message, but she was able to gather invaluable information that she could carry back to Houston, Texas. The results and feedback she received will be used to better service her young patients and to help her better focus on the primary issues and concerns of young people today.

Dr. Rapp hopes to be apart of many other conferences and conventions aimed towards strengthening the quality of life for youth in America. In doing this, she helps sustain the livelihood and future of America.

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