Monday, July 26, 2010

Know What to do When a Person Chokes

You and a friend are laughing it up over lunch. She/he starts to choke. What do you do?

1. Ask, "Are you choking? Can you speak?"

This sounds silly but if the person can cough, and/or speak, give them a chance. Strong coughing can dislodge the food.

If the person can do neither...

2. Stand behind him/her and wrap your arms around their waist

3. Make a fist with one hand, with the thumb side just above the person's navel, not touching the breastbone.

4. Grasp the fist with your other hand.

5. Make quick, upward and inward thrusts with your fist.

6. Continue these thrusts until the object is dislodged or the person becomes unconscious.

If this happens, it is not your fault. This is an effect of the lack of oxygen getting to the brain caused by blockage of the airway. Keep working, and work or get help fast!

What to do next?

7. Help the person to the floor.

8. Call 911

9. If you see something blocking the airway, try to remove it. Remember, only do this if the person is not conscious.

If the person is pregnant or obese....

1. Wrap your arms around the person's CHEST.

2. Place the fist in the middle of the breastbone between the nipples.

3. Thrust firmly in a backward motion.

How do you prevent choking? Take your time, chew your food thoroughly. Do not drink alcohol or if you are legal, avoid eating while intoxicated. If the person is eating with poorly fitting dentures, advise against it. For this and more information, I recommend checking out Medline Plus, or the American Heart Association.

Be safe, be successful,


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